How It Works

We Collect Your Glass
  • Glass is collected from residents and businesses in two ways: pick-up service and drop-off service. We will begin with the drop-off service that is free and later offer a pick-up service for a small convenience fee.
Sorted and Crushed
  • Collected glass is sorted, corks and tops are removed and then crushed. Glass is crushed into a variety of sizes and then sifted into smaller/finer grades of sand for specific uses
Stored in Hopper
  • The crusher has a hopper where the glass is dumped, then it is moved upward via conveyer belt to a larger hopper where it falls into the tumbler and crushed. There are different sized crushers, this one will crush 2 tons per hour!
Reuse & Reduce Waste
  • Once we have the crushed glass, we’ll sell it to make a variety of products. By diverting the glass from the landfill to other businesses to create a new product, this will reduce the amount of glass going into the landfills

Support the Cause

We need your help! Support the cause by donating either your time or monetarily. We appreciate everyone that helps us achieve our mission!