Welcome to

Glass Act Recycling

Our Alexandria location is now accepting glass drop-offs! Click the button below to learn more.

Let’s Crush This!

Glass Act has good growing pains.  We’ve outgrown our current green crushing machine and are ramping up operations.  This new crusher will:
  • reduce our carbon footprint significantly
  • increase our bottom line and make us more sustainable
  • expand our opportunities to make more products for more suppliers
  • broaden our community outreach
This new crushing system costs $200,000 and will take 4 months to arrive after the order is placed.
Together we built an impressive recycling organization that is on target to have kept 400,000 pounds out of the landfill and repurposed into swimming pool filtration and sandblast abrasive.  

Residential Pickup!

We are finally ready to offer LOCAL GLASS PICK-UP to our neighbors in Alexandria, LA!
Everyone loves the idea of recycling glass. Not everyone has the time or ability to drop it off. Some prefer to have it picked up on a monthly basis… Sound like you?
✔️ Do you live in the Alexandria city limits?
✔️ Are you interested in glass pick-up (directly from your home)?
✔️ Would you be willing to donate a setup fee + small monthly amount to avoid making the weekend trip to the glass recycling center?
If you checked yes, yes, YES…

Hours of Operation

Friday: 8am – 12pm
Saturday: 8am – 12pm

Start recycling in Cenla

The average recycling facility throws away 60-90% of what they collect. Our rate is less than 2%.

How You Can Get Involved

We have 3 main ways you can get involved: volunteer, advocate, and donate.


We know you’re excited to help! We will have many volunteer opportunities in the coming months. Please let us know if you’re interested!


One of the best ways you can help Glass Act is by spreading the word! Tell your friends, family, and neighbors. Heck, you can even tell the car next to you when you’re stuck in MacArthur traffic!


Donations are the backbone of our organization. We couldn’t do what we do if it wasn’t for your generosity. So please, help us reduce waste by donating to the cause!

Stay Updated

Glass Act Recycling was recently featured in the Cenla Focus! Click on the button below to read the full article.